Think about how you would stack the boxes, and how you could potentially make Grasshopper do something similar. One thing is clear! You need to develop very precise rules for your packing system, otherwise it’s very difficult to tackle this.

While looking into it, you should get some ideas on how to structure an approach to your problem. They are called “greedy” because they use brute force to find a convenient solution. Now, this is quite an involved topic, but I’d look into greedy packing algorithms, since they are an easier topic and should give you an idea on how to tackle this. In your case, this container would probably be two stories high, or you could define a container for the lower and another one for the top level that get filled separately. Packing boxes or rectangles usually happens within a container: a box that is meant to get filled with other, smaller boxes.

The ability to quickly distinguish between the bush and the hidden, stalking sabre tooth tiger made those survive and probably pass on their genes, who had that skill down. This possibly posed a big advantage in our more primal past, when mankind still lived in nature, instead of next to it. Evolution seems to have given us the ability to quickly and efficiently discern patterns and react accordingly. OK, packaging problems are as far as I know very challenging to solve nicely and algorithmically - though not impossible -, but very easy for use humans to do. Yes i am looking to stack/pack boxes using simple adjacency matrix and possibly over 1 or 2 floor levels.