
Nytimes spelling bee
Nytimes spelling bee

nytimes spelling bee

On the "short scale," it denotes a value that is approximately equal to half of the sun's mass in kilograms. Q4: Television producer Michael Schur maintained a Twitter thread where he reported whether or not he remembered this word when it appeared in Spelling Bee.

nytimes spelling bee

(Wrong: here I badly underestimate the level of LLama historical knowledge and the fame of the entente cordiale. I don't think ENTENTE is a well-known word. That's one I always have trouble spotting in the regular game, too. TREATY is missing several letters, and what's a "little" treaty anyway? What other kind of agreement could there be? I actually come close to leaving this one blank, but then I look at it while trying to think about "Bee-words" and ENTENTE comes to mind. I have to leave and come back to this one several times. Q3: While a "little" agreement of this type was made between Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia between World Wars, the best known one is almost certainly the early 20th century understanding among the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. Berries? CAI in the list of letters? Yep. Name both.Įasy one: two types of trees? That's gotta be ACAI and ACACIA right there, a pair I've found many many times before. One is an African tree that is the traditional source of gum arabic the other is a South American palm whose berries are marketed as a health food. Q2: These two types of trees always appear together in the Bee. This is a straightforward scrambled-word puzzle, where you don't even have to use any of the letters more than once. I start toying with the idea of writing the letters down in a hex arrangement, but before I can do anything about it my brain manages to unscramble BULWARK. I spend a little time trying to come up with compounds involving WALL or WAR, and wishing I had the actual online Bee interface where I can scramble the letters around with a single keypress.

nytimes spelling bee

This seems like a nice straightforward start. What unique pangram was used in the lowest scoring spelling bee? Depending on the available pangrams, finding all the words may require scoring over 500 points, or as few as 50. Q1: A Spelling Bee player often starts out looking for pangrams, which are words that contain all seven available letters.

Nytimes spelling bee